Yarn Consumption of a Loom:
A loom is a device used to weave cloth. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. The quantity of yarn that is required to produce fabric is called the consumption of yarn for a loom. It is a very important task for the weaving master. In this article, we will know calculate yarn consumption of a Loom.

Calculate the Yarn Consumption of a Loom
Calculate the yarn consumption of a loom per hour running at 180 PPM for producing [(40 X 60)/(72 X 48)] X 56” fabric.
Production /hour/ loom = ……… X 60 X …….
= 6.25 yd
……………………………………………….72 X 56 X 6.25 X 1.05 X 1.1
The required amount of warp = …………………………………………
……………………………………………………..840 X 40 X 2.004
= 0.393 kg
……………………………………………..48 X 36 X 6.25 X 56 X 1.05 X 1.1
The required amount of weft = ……………………………………………….
…………………………………………………..36 X 840 X 60 X 2.024
= 0.175 Kg
A loom runs at 210 picks/min at an overall efficiency of 82%. The warp width in the reed is 1.2 m and the linear density of the weft is 30 tex. What is the weft consumption per 8 hours.
A) Length of weft used per hour at 100% efficiency
=1.2 X 210 X 60 /1000 km
=15.12 km per hour
B) At 82% efficiency, the length used in 8 hours
=15.12 X 0.82 X 8
=99.19 km
C) Weft consumption, for 30 tex yarn is:
=30 X 99.19 /1000 kg
=29.76 kg per 8 hours
If we define loom efficiency then we can say that the average number of picks per minute inserted by a loom expressed as a percentage of what is theoretically possible if the machine were running continuously. In this article, we will know about the calculation of weaving loom efficiency.
You may like also: Calculation of Weaving Loom Efficiency
Hi there. Thank you for the calculations, but can you please explain what each of the numbers are for in calculation 1.
Do you know haw we can calculated the Yarn Consumption in the Mechanical Carpet Industries for Non-Woven