Loom Efficiency:
If we define loom efficiency then we can say that the average number of picks per minute inserted by a loom expressed as a percentage of what is theoretically possible if the machine were running continuously. In this article, we will know about the calculation of weaving loom efficiency.
Calculation of Weaving Loom Efficiency

Loom efficiency can be measured by the following formula:
………………………………………Actual Production
Loom Efficiency (%) = …………………………………… X 100
………………………………….Calculated Production
A second approach, which gives the same answer, is to consider running times:
…………………………………………….Actual running time
Loom efficiency (%) = …………………………….……………………….. X 100
…………………………………Actual running time + stopped time
It is the stopped time that management tries to minimize by appropriate choice of yarns, preparation of warp and weft, loom selection and maintenance, training of operatives, supervision, etc.
Find out the loom efficiency from the following data,
- Loom speed = 180 picks/min
- Repair of warp breaks per 100,000 picks = 20 occasions
- Repair of weft breaks per 100,000 picks = 15 occasions
- Other repairs with loom stopped per 100,000 picks = 6 occasions
- Average warp-repair time = 0.85 min
- Average weft-repair time = 0.30 min
- Average time for other repairs = 0.12 min
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First, we want to find out the running time per 100,000 picks
Running time for 100,000 picks =100,000/loom speed
= 555.5min
Stopped time for warp breaks = 20 x 0.85 =17 min
Stopped time for weft breaks = 15 x 0.30 = 4.5 min
Stopped time for other repairs = 6 x 0.12 = 0.72 min
Total time for machine stoppage = 17 + 4.5 + 0.72 = 22.22min
Total time to weave 100,000 picks =555.5 + 22.22 = 577.72 min
Hence, the loom efficiency:
……………………………………………….Actual running time
Loom efficiency (%) = …………………..………………………………… X 100
…………………………………Actual running time + stopped time
= …………….……… X 100
….555.5 + 22.22
= 96.16% (ANS)
This efficiency value does not take into account time lost for such matters as major mechanical breakdown, waiting for new warp and gaiting new warp, type new warp to old warp.