What Things are Placed in Garments Costing Sheet

Garments Costing Sheet:
Apparel’s costing sheet is that where we get all types of information regarding its making. So to say manufacturing of any apparel will be profitable or not, can be detected by a good costing sheet. How much fabric will be needed, how much time will be needed etc. will take place in a costing sheet.

Things are Placed in Garments Costing Sheet
Fig: Things are Placed in Garments Costing Sheet

Normally the finance department makes a costing sheet. But for doing it they need information from all around sections like buying section, wages section, quality control section, and account section. Yet after making the sheet, it requires approval from the respective administrative level. In the following tables, a full costing sheet for trouser is shown

Costing Sheet for Producing a Trouser:

Style no. Description Season Size Date
3340 Full Pant Winter 27-32


Item Type Quantity Rate(TK) Price(TK)
Fabric Cord(100% cotton) Width of 60 inch. Or 1.25 yds. 150 187.50
Pocket’s fabric 100% cotton 0.25 yds. 40 10.00
Sized Fabric such as(Waist Belt) 4 parts 1 4.00
Threads 100% cotton-40/2 _ _ 3.00
Chain _ 1 3.50 3.50
Bottoms/Trimmings Nylon 3 2.00 6.00
Label Woven 1+1 2.00 4.00
Packing Board, Polypack etc. _ _ 5.00
Others _ _ _ 2.00

Inclusive all Raw Material Cost= 225.00

Production Time(Minute) Rate(TK) Price(TK)
Spreading 2 0.20 0.60
Cutting 4 0.50 2.00
Sewing 8 1.00 8.00
Finishing 3 0.25 0.75
Inspection 4 0.25 1.00
Packing 4 0.30 1.20
Total              = 13.55
Over Head Costs(Fixed and Variable)   20.00
Total Manufacturing cost of the Apparel   258.55
Profit (15%) 38.78
Commission 5.05
Price of selling  302.38


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